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The company brother enterprises:

Jiangxi Gaofeng Calcium Carbonate Co., Ltd.,Gaoan Hongtai Chemical Co., Ltd.,Jiangxi Gaofeng Chemical Mining Development Co., Ltd.

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Outdoor development series - nine days drift

The best outdoor activity in summer is the water project. The company organizes large and small outdoor activities every year. To thank employees for their work, the company organizes everyone to go to Yichun to develop outdoor activities. .
Drifting was once a primitive way of wading. Rafting originally originated from Eskimo kayaks and Chinese bamboo rafts, but at that time they were all designed to satisfy people's lives and survival needs. Rafting became a real outdoor sport that began to develop after World War II. Some people who liked outdoor activities tried to use the retired inflatable rubber boat as a drifting tool and gradually evolved into today's water rafting.

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33# Minzhulu, Gao'an City, Yichun City, Jiangxi Province, China

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